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Adecco Bulgaria Ltd

София, Младост 4, Бизнес парк, сграда 11 А, ет.2
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What do we do at Adecco? Well, to put it simply, on any given day we connect over 700,000 people across 60 countries with job opportunities at leading employers. But our goal goes beyond filling roles - it’s about helping people find fulfilling work and, ultimately, love what they do. At Adecco, we’re proud to be part of The Adecco Group. Each year, The Adecco Group provides over 1 million people in more than 60 countries with career opportunities, guidance and insights. Through its brands, The Adecco Group is the world leader in providing organizations with the resources they need to navigate and thrive in today’s ever-changing working environment, through temporary staffing, permanent placement, career transition, talent development and outsourcing solutions.
If you’re looking for new job opportunities, Adecco can give you access to more jobs at more companies than anyone else. In addition, we can provide the resources you need to realize your career goals.

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