About us:
We are Bulwork - the first IT & TELCO recruitment agency in Bulgaria with more than 24 years of stable presence in the market. We have succeeded in establishing a reputation for delivering high-quality services to both clients and candidates. We respect the candidates' wishes and strive to provide the best service by finding the most suitable and challenging job for them.
About the company:
It's a product-oriented FinTech company that develops and offers in-house custom-built payment solutions for its international clients to keep their businesses running smoothly. The company employs more than 300+ people worldwide across 17+ global offices and it is still growing.
Currently, for their key subsidiary in Bulgaria, together with the company we are looking to recruit an experienced:
...who will work as part of a cross-functional, engineering project team and will take an active role in the design and implementation of complex systems and APIs and participate in architectural and design decisions.
Required skills and experience:
- Strong expertise in Golang (plus Go templates), along with experience in low latency/high-performance software design;
- Experience with ORM such as Gorm;
- Experience in testing frameworks such as Ginkgo and understanding of Unit and performance testing;
- Code versioning tools such as Git, SVN, and Mercurial;
- Some previous experience with JavaScript frameworks like Ember, Angular, or React and some knowledge/experience with Ruby/Rails or Python is beneficial;
- Very good command of English (B2 level).
* Candidates who have some previous Go experience as a second coding language and want to switch to Golang are also invited to apply!
The company can offer:
- Competitive monthly salary + customizable social benefits package.
- 25 days of paid annual leave;
- Additional health insurance (Lux package, including dental services);
- Performance-based bonuses to reward your achievements;
- Standard but flexible working hours;
- Opportunity for FULLY REMOTE work;
- Friendly team, casual atmosphere, and opportunity to work with the latest technologies and hardware;
- Additional training, certifications, team building events, etc.
Are you a real fan of Golang who is now looking for new and challenging projects to work on? Then, don't miss applying and sending your CV in English or your LinkedIn profile today!
All applications will be handled with strict confidentiality. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
The candidates do not pay any taxes to the agency – the services are FREE OF CHARGE.
Bulwork Company LTD - IT Recruitment Agency (license No 2107 from 01.09.2016 from MLSP).
Изисквания към кандидата
Езикови познания:
Английски език
Трудов опит:
С професионален опит над 3 г.
Ние предлагаме
Вид заетост:
Пълен работен ден
Срок на заетост:
Трудов безсрочен
Ниво в йерархията:
Експертен персонал без ръководни функции
ИТ и Компютърни специалисти
Хардуер/Разработка и поддръжка
Софтуер/ Разработка и поддръжка
Населено място:
Гр. София, Гр. Пловдив, Гр. Варна, Гр. Бургас, Гр. Стара Загора, Гр. Русе, Гр. Благоевград, Гр. Велико Търново, Гр. Видин, Гр. Враца, Гр. Габрово, Гр. Добрич, Гр. Кърджали, Гр. Кюстендил, Гр. Ловеч, Гр. Монтана, Гр. Пазарджик, Гр. Перник, Гр. Плевен, Гр. Разград, Гр. Силистра, Гр. Сливен, Гр. Смолян, Гр. Търговище, Гр. Хасково, Гр. Шумен, Гр. Ямбол
15, Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd., fl. 2,1124, Sofia, Bulgaria
Агенция за подбор на персонал
Детайли за организацията:
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Внимание: Некоректни потребители публикуват обяви на импулсни телефони започващи с 0481, 0871, 0881, 0890, 0891, 0900.