Intern in Sustainable Development and ESG Risk Management, Sofia
General duties:
Setting the Bank’s ESG Strategy
Management of ESG risks, especially climate and environmental risks
Collaboration with the Business for building on opportunities for sustainable finance
Monitoring of ESG risk and business indicators, trend analysis
Analysis and implementation of new C&E regulations and supervisory guidelines
Presentations and reporting for internal and external stakeholders
Curious student who wants to start their journey in a multidisciplinary setting with a vibrant team of diverse knowledge and expertise
A strong level of English, both written and verbal
Interest in the topic of Sustainable Development and ESG (climate and environmental risks, green economy, decarbonization, role of banks in sustainable development, etc.)
Knowledge of any of the following would be a great asset: financial services, banking, risk management, data science / analysis, research, sustainability, climate / environmental science
Strong problem-solving capabilities
Academic major in Finance, Economics, Business Administration, Ecology, Sustainable Development, Law, International (Economic) Relations, Statistics, IT (non-exhaustive list)
Desire to contribute and grow in a new unit with evolving responsibilities and framework
DSK Bank offers:
Paid internship for 3 to 6 months
Flexible working hours (4-6 - hours working day)
Food vouchers
Аdditional health insurance
Modern office in a convenient location in the city-centre
Opportunity to collaborate with an energetic team in a close-knit, dynamic environment
Learning and further development of the professional skills and competences
Documents for application:
Изисквания към кандидата
Образование: Бакалавър
Езикови познания:
Английски език
Трудов опит:
Ние предлагаме
Ниво в йерархията:
Експертен персонал без ръководни функции
Банково дело
Населено място:
Гр. София
ул. “Московска” 19, Централно управление
Банка ДСК АД
Фирма/Организация Директно търсеща служители
Детайли за организацията:
Повече информация за
Банка ДСК АД може да получите
Внимание: Некоректни потребители публикуват обяви на импулсни телефони започващи с 0481, 0871, 0881, 0890, 0891, 0900.