Луфтханза Техник София

Buyer Aviation Consumables & Services - Maternity Cover
What makes the ideas fly? For us – ambition, empathy, responsibility and, of course, our people.
Whether aircraft maintenance or engineering, supply chain and logistics, first year apprentice or
highly specialized professional, we all are aviationeers who think forward.

We keep you flying!

When you join our team, you will:
Source raw materials, chemicals, consumables and services on the global market
Place and track of purchase orders for materials, consumables and services prior and during aircraft maintenance check
Collect quotes and negotiate terms and conditions with vendors
Monitor the complete supply chain until goods receipt by Warehouse
Coordinate with suppliers and Material Flow Management in case of delayed delivery
Coordinate with the Finance and Warehouse departments
Optimize routine purchasing together with material planning and strategic purchasing teams.
Support the sales department in identifying the raw materials and their availability
Work with technical documentation
Responsible for KPI achievements and material master data
Comply with quality and internal control procedures
You match our need, if you have:
University degree in relevant area (logistics or purchasing preferred)
Professional experience in material purchasing or technical background, preferably in aviation industry
Good knowledge of logistics (physical logistics, transport, planning and purchasing) processes
Experience in business negotiations, excellent communication skills
Fluent in English (both written and spoken)
Computer literacy
Experience with material resource planning systems, preferably SAP
Team spirit, sense of responsibility and good interpersonal skills
Technical affinity and good analytical skills
Ability to work independently
Flexibility according to workload during the project phases
Ability to generate new ideas and identify potential for improvement within his working area
Cultural competence, work in virtual teams

In connection with the current recruitment campaign for an employee for the announced position, your CV data and your contacts will be collected and recorded by Lufthansa Technik Sofia OOD. Some of the information that you provide voluntarily is personal information and falls under the special protection regime under the Law on Personal Data Protection. We inform you and you agree that the personal data provided by you will be processed for the purposes of the current selection process as well as stored for realization of future recruitment not longer than 3 years regarding the legitimate obligations of the data controller. Your data will be stored within the above-mentioned period as the end of the campaign. end of the campaign We consider that the end of the campaign is the moment of acceptance of the job offer by the candidate to whom we have proposed the position. Lufthansa Technik Sofia OOD can provide your personal information to corporate bodies and individuals who are assigned to actions and activities relating to the selection process and in respect of any future recruitment.
Изисквания към кандидата
Образование: Бакалавър

Езикови познания:
Английски език

Трудов опит:
С професионален опит от 1 - 3г.

Ние предлагаме

Вид заетост:
Пълен работен ден

Срок на заетост:

Ниво в йерархията:

Авиация / Летища / Авиолинии
Населено място:
Гр. София
София, Летище София Терминал 1, Хангар 3, етаж 3
Луфтханза Техник София
Фирма/Организация Директно търсеща служители
Детайли за организацията:
Повече информация за Луфтханза Техник София може да получите ТУК
Внимание: Некоректни потребители публикуват обяви на импулсни телефони започващи с 0481, 0871, 0881, 0890, 0891, 0900.

Оферти от категорията

Оферти от работодателя
На работа с
    Сайтът предлага лесен и бърз достъп до близо 287 119 автобиографии и 45 098 работодатели. Чрез по-добрите менюта за работа, както и с повечето функции, които предлага, Rabota.bg доближава Работодатели и Кандидати като улеснява връзката между тях.